Fastbraces® vs. traditional braces – and more!


It’s never too late to get the beautiful straight smile you’ve always dreamed of.

But with so many braces options available for your teeth, it can be hard to know which to choose – especially if you’ve been put off by the idea of wearing traditional metal braces for years. 

So, are Fastbraces the right choice for you?

Let’s look at Fastbraces® and how they compare with traditional braces, Invisalign, and more. 

Need more general advice about orthodontic treatment?
Learn more:
Orthodontics at Kowhai Dental 


All about Fastbraces

What are Fastbraces?

The clue is in the name! 

Fastbraces are a new, faster way to straighten your teeth. Just like traditional braces, they shift teeth into better alignment – but in significantly less time.

How long do you wear Fastbraces?

While conventional braces tend to take 1.5 to 3 years to straighten teeth completely, treatment with Fastbraces can be as little as 3 months to about a year. 

How do Fastbraces look?

With ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wire available, as well as the regular silver options, Fastbraces can appear vastly more subtle than traditional braces, while still not completely invisible. 

How do Fastbraces work?

For Fastbraces, the basic concept is the same as any other braces: brackets are attached to the outside of each tooth and pressure gradually moves the teeth into alignment. 

However, instead of each bracket being square-shaped like traditional braces, Fastbraces use specially created triangular brackets. Each bracket is attached to a square nickel-titanium wire that can reach down to the root of your tooth.

The unique system allows for greater flexibility of the wire, resulting in increased pressure. This makes it possible to move the crown and the root of each tooth simultaneously for faster and more efficient treatment.  

How are Fastbraces different to traditional braces? 

Traditional braces require a two-step process – the first step moving the crown or the area above the gum line, and the second step focusing on shifting the roots. Fastbraces’ simplified system allows both of these steps to be completed at once – meaning a faster treatment. 

Are Fastbraces effective? 

Yes! Just like traditional braces, pressure is applied to the teeth, and they are gradually moved into a straighter position. Fastbraces are an option for many orthodontic issues. 

Fastbraces vs. traditional braces

So how do Fastbraces line up against traditional braces? 

We’ve looked at a few comparisons already but let’s dive a little deeper. 

Here are seven key differences between Fastbraces and traditional braces:

1. Speed of treatment

The average treatment time for Fastbraces is approximately 180 days. This is a fraction of the treatment time for traditional braces. Traditional braces can take anywhere between 1.5 and 3 years to achieve the same result. 

As we mentioned, faster alignment is made possible through modern materials that simultaneously straighten both the root and the crown of the tooth. To put it simply, the entire tooth can move at one time.

2. Safer treatment

Because the treatment time of Fastbraces is shorter, it is also considered safer. 

Research from the American Journal of Orthodontics has shown that the longer patients wear braces, the more root resorption (tooth root shortening) they have. University research in the same journal also showed that Fastbraces presented “even less root resorption” than the traditional systems tested.

The quicker treatment also gives less opportunity for bacteria and plaque to build up around your braces – meaning a lower risk of developing any oral health problems such as gum disease.

Learn more: Gum disease

3. One wire vs. multiple wires

Traditional braces require multiple wires, which are replaced and tightened at each visit. Fastbraces use only one wire throughout the whole process. This makes it far more convenient than traditional braces as you typically don’t need regular adjustment appointments.

4. Comfort

Because Fastbraces use a more flexible wire, they are generally more comfortable and visually appealing than traditional braces. 

Do Fastbraces hurt?

While you may feel some discomfort as the teeth shift (which is completely normal!), the crown and root moving at the same time will likely be less painful than traditional braces. 

Normally your jawbone should also be able to reabsorb the root faster, resulting in your teeth stabilising into their newly aligned position sooner. 

In addition, Fastbraces can preserve your natural bite, so you don’t need to relearn how to chew, bite and talk once your treatment is finished.

5. Affordability

Fastbraces were developed with convenience and cost in mind, so they typically cost less than traditional braces.  

How much do Fastbraces cost? 

The average price for traditional braces is generally around $3,500 to $4,500, covering a year of treatment. In some cases, it can be as high as $9,000. At Kowhai, our Fastbraces treatment starts at $3,745 and can range up to around $6,000.

If cost is a concern for you, we offer plenty of payment plans and options to find the best solution for you. 

Learn more:
Our payment plans
Affording the dentist in Northland: Tips and advice

6. Reduced need for extraction

Because the Fastbraces process moves the entire tooth, there is a smaller chance you will need any teeth removed. This means you can often begin your treatment sooner without the need for extraction and healing.

7. Less aftercare

While traditional braces typically require you to wear a retainer for 22 hours a day for several months after treatment, Fastbraces only require your custom retainer to be worn 10 to 15 minutes each day. 

Alternatively, you could wear it overnight if that’s your personal preference. 

Fastbraces vs. Invisalign

Invisalign is another popular form of orthodontic treatment that can be used to bring teeth into alignment. 

Here, a custom-made, clear plastic aligner tray is fitted over the tops of your teeth and replaced with a new tray every several weeks, gradually guiding your teeth into place. 

Let’s look at the key differences between Fastbraces and Invisalign:

1. Speed of treatment

Like traditional braces, Invisalign is a slower option that relies on the two-step process of moving the root first, then the crown.

The treatment time for Invisalign is similar to traditional braces, or in some cases, even longer.

2. Severity of misalignment

Invisalign is best suited to only mild to moderate cosmetic misalignments. If you have more complex or severe issues, especially any concerns about jaw misalignment, Invisalign may not be a practical option. 

For more complicated issues, you should ask your dentist if you can expect the same result from all methods. 

Learn more: Crooked teeth

3. Appearance

There’s no question that Invisalign is far less noticeable than Fastbraces or traditional braces. 

Since they are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, Invisalign could be a preferable option for someone who wants their solution to be as invisible as possible.

Fastbraces do offer ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wire for a less visible option than traditional silver braces.

4. Permanent vs. removable

No one except your dentist can remove Fastbraces. Invisalign trays are designed to be removed and replaced by you as the wearer. 

For best results, dentists recommend that Invisalign be worn 22-24 hours each day and only be taken out for eating and brushing your teeth. 

There are pros and cons for both the permanent and removable options:

Pros for removable aligners:

  • Easier to brush and floss.

  • Can be taken out for special events and occasions.

Cons for removable aligners: 

  • Require self-discipline for best results.

  • Taking them in and out to eat can be awkward.

  • Cleaning teeth after every meal can be inconvenient.

5. Comfort

While both treatments are known for being relatively comfortable, Fastbraces can still irritate the inside of your mouth. Invisalign’s smooth surface is less likely to cause any unwanted friction.

Fastbraces – pros and cons

We know it’s a lot to take in! If you’re struggling to wrap your head around the ins and outs of Fastbraces, we’ve created a handy comparison: 

Pros for Fastbraces:

  • Faster treatment time

  • Affordable

  • Safe – tested by leading Universities in the U.S. and Europe

  • Quality – certified by the Inventor and made in the U.S. 

  • Maintain your natural bite

  • Reduced need for extraction

  • Less aftercare required

  • Reduced chance of tooth decay

  • Suitable for all ages

Cons for Fastbraces:

  • More visible than clear aligners like Invisalign

  • Cannot be removed for special occasions

  • May not be appropriate for fixing severe bite issues

So, which option is right for me?

Straight teeth are within reach, but first, you need to decide on the best orthodontic solution for you.

Before choosing, ask yourself some important questions:

  • How severe is your misalignment? 

  • How quickly do you want to finish treatment?

  • How concerned are you about the appearance of your orthodontics?

  • Do you suffer from jaw pain that may need addressing?


What’s next?

At Kowhai Dental, we have plenty of experience helping Northlanders put crooked teeth back into alignment. We would love to help you get the smile you deserve. 

To discuss your options, call us on 09 430 0707 or book online today.


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