Affording the dentist in Northland: What help is available?


We know it’s not always easy to afford the dentist, especially if you live in some of the more rural areas of Northland and Whangarei, and the extra time and cost of traveling in and out again need to be factored in.

So what help is available to make it a little bit easier? Let’s take a look.


Dental care for my kids

Overall, the thing to know about children’s oral health care in NZ is that it’s probably free if your kids are under the age of 18 years old.

Northland DHB covers the cost of basic dental services for all local kids, which includes regular checkups, hygienist teeth cleaning, X-rays, fillings and extractions, and preventative treatments like fissure sealants.

Most Kiwi parents receive a letter or pack about their child’s oral health needs within 12 months of their child’s birth. If you haven’t received one or aren’t sure, you can call 0800 Talk Teeth (0800 825 583) for advice – this will forward you to a local organisation that can walk you through what you need to know.

Learn more:When to take your baby to the dentist for the first time

Dental care if I’m on a low income

If your kids require more than basic services (e.g. orthodontics) or you yourself require dental treatment, even just a basic checkup, there are still a few different ways the government can help.

Here are some that might apply to you:

  • Work and Income offers dental treatment payments of up to $300 for those who are eligible. The Labour government also pledged last year to increase this amount to $1,000 but at time of writing we’re waiting to see what will happen.

  • Those on the benefit may be able to apply for an Advanced Payment of Benefit, although this would need to be paid back to WINZ.

  • Those not on the benefit but who still have a low income could also apply for a Recoverable Assistance Payment, another cost that would need to be paid back but could help in an emergency.

  • WINZ offers a Special Needs Grant for people suffering a dental emergency that they can’t afford any other way.

  • Community Services Card holders can sometimes get discounts at the dentist, or find subsidised dental care through their local hospital.

  • If you’ve suffered an injury or accident, ACC may be able to cover some of your treatment costs. You would need to see your dentist first to lodge a claim.

  • Those with a disability that would mean they struggle to see a private dentist can often get dental care through their local hospital.

  • Those with an illness where dental care is a part of treatment may also be able to get free dental care through their hospital.

  • Veterans have an additional pathway through Veterans’ Affairs, should they require service-related dental treatment and are not already covered by ACC or the Ministry of Health. This is organised on a case by case basis.

For more information, eligibility criteria and links, see the NZ government’s site, Citizens Advice Bureau and the Work and Income website.

Dental care for very rural Northlanders

We understand there are many regions of Northland where there has not been a local dentist in some time, meaning residents have to travel quite some distance to get to the likes of Whangarei or Kerikeri where there are more options.

Prevention key for very rural Northlanders

Because of this travelling distance, preventing dental problems is more key than ever for very rural Northlanders. If you can take steps to reduce the likelihood that you need to see a dentist, you will be able to go for longer without requiring an appointment. 

Some fast advice we can give you includes:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste.

  • Floss regularly, even once a day if you can remember.

  • Every so often rinse your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash.

  • Spit your toothpaste, but don’t rinse your mouth after – this can wash out all the good stuff that is helping your mouth.

  • Don’t just clean your teeth, clean your tongue and gums also.

  • Try to avoid smoking.

  • Limit your intake of sugary or acidic food/drink, including alcohol and sweet treats.

  • If you do consume treats or alcohol, consider rinsing your mouth with water afterwards.

This advice might seem a bit broken-record and no doubt you’ve heard most of it before. But we repeat it because anyone who follows those tips is limiting the amount they feed bacteria in their mouths, and taking steps to remove bacteria before it builds into a problem and causes decay. Even if there’s already some degree of decay there, it can keep the problem from getting too much worse and slow it right down.

Finding an affordable dentist near you

When you do need the dentist, even if you have to travel, it pays to get it done. Leaving dental problems until they are too late can exacerbate them, potentially putting up the cost of treatment. Certain treatments also require multiple trips to the dentist, adding to those costs.

To find a dentist near you, Healthpoint’s website has an interactive map.

Pop-up dental surgeries do also sometimes appear in the Northland area. For example, in 2020 a pop-up appeared in Kaikohe and treated hundreds of locals. You can learn more about these by keeping an eye on both your local newspaper and the NZ Dental Association’s website – the NZDA’s Smile NZ programme has been running mobile centres for six years.

Note: If you see a mobile centre coming to your area, book quickly. Free spots are often taken very fast.

Learn more:
— “How to clean your gums and keep them healthy
— “Common dental problems
— “Toothache remedies – tips for fast toothache relief


Affording the dentist in Whangarei

If you live within driving distance of Whangarei then you’ll be happy to know that here at Kowhai Dental we have a few additional options to help you afford dental treatment.

  • Interest-free finance options exist for credit card holders as well as Gem Visa for new applicants. It can give you a year to pay off your costs without worrying about interest.

  • Don’t have a credit card? Talk to our reception staff about what we can offer in terms of personal payment plans to help you out.

Learn more: check out our payment options

And if you’re ready to come and see the dentist, we’re just here on Maunu Rd. Book an appointment online or call us today on 09 430 0707.


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