Dental cleaning and dental hygienists



  • Clean, scale and polish, full-mouth x-rays, pano and dentist check – $183

  • Clean, scale and polish – $124

Kowhai Dental – Dental cleaning and prevention

What is a dental hygienist?

“Hygiene” refers to cleanliness, right?

So you could say dental hygienists are experts in dental cleanliness. Think of them as your second line of defense in good oral health – the first being your own home care routine (brushing and flossing). Dental hygienists offer a huge range of services to keep your whites pearly and your gums healthy. By providing everything from education to professional cleaning services, dental hygienists help you avoid costly (and painful) problems later down the line.

At-home dental cleaning

Our Whangarei dental cleaning and prevention team wants to help people to know about cleaning their gums and teeth. At home, prevention includes brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Your hygienist can help customise solutions that enhance your daily efforts, often turning frustration into smiles as the healthy changes occur.

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is a chronic bacterial infection of the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It is the major cause of tooth loss in adults. However, because gum disease is usually painless, you may not even know you have it. Gum disease is caused by bacteria which form a sticky film on the tooth surface. This bacteria release toxins that can damage the gums.

An increasing amount of research also suggests that there is evidence linking chronic periodontal disease to conditions such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease. Moreover, current research suggests that if you have periodontal disease during pregnancy, you may be significantly more likely to have a baby born prematurely or with a low birth weight. Keeping your gums healthy will ensure a better chance of good general health.

When to look for professional cleaning?

Dental hygienists are experts in preventative dental health – in other words, they work to keep your teeth clean and healthy and prevent gum disease. They work alongside dentists but offer slightly different services.  

Dental hygienists can: 

  • Check for signs of gum disease and oral cancer

  • Take dental x-rays

  • Whiten your teeth and/or remove stains

  • Remove plaque and tartar

  • Apply fluoride treatments

  • Provide oral health education

  • Offer personalised home care advice

How often should I visit a dental hygienist?

To keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, you should visit your dental hygienist every six months. If you’ve had problems with your oral health – such as dental pockets – your hygienist may recommend that you come more regularly.

Your diet plays a critical role in oral health as well. Acidic foods and drinks can accelerate the deterioration of your teeth, and certain foods can reduce the health of your supporting jawbone and gums. Our hygienists believe in bringing your efforts and ours into balance for optimum health.

Of course, regular dental exams and cleanings twice a year prove vital in preventing decay and gum disease as you keep daily habits consistent. With a proactive approach, together we can prevent minor issues from becoming major procedures.

How much does it cost to visit a dental hygienist?

Here at Kowhai Dental, you can get a gum health evaluation with a qualified dental hygienist for as little as $50, with a full clean, scale and polish costing $124.

We’re committed to providing high-quality dental care at affordable prices, because (in our view) you can’t afford not to take good care of your teeth. If you’ve got any questions about our Whangarei dental cleaning and prevention service or anything else that concerns you, we are happy to answer them.

Learn more about when to see a dental cleaning hygienist.



  • Actually, flossing is more important than brushing. If you think about it, your tongue and cheeks are constantly rubbing against the exposed surfaces of your teeth. This motion helps to remove bacteria from sticking to those surfaces.

    While tooth brushing does remove some of the material between teeth, it is flossing that scrapes away the bacterial buildup from the inner-most surfaces between teeth. Most tooth decay forms between teeth so flossing helps to reduce the bacteria which cause decay between teeth.

    Gum disease predominantly forms between teeth as well. Flossing not only removes bacteria that cause gum disease, but it also stimulates blood flow in the areas of the gum between teeth. The increased blood flow in those areas helps

  • Flossing is recommended at least once a day. Research shows that the bacteria on teeth require about 24 hours to build up a protective layer that resists abrasion. Once those bacteria have gained a foot hold on your teeth, they continue to multiply and use salts from your saliva to harden the protective layer. Once this layer has hardened, the services of a hygienist are required to remove the bacteria and their protective layer.

  • The best home care regime varies for each individual circumstance. Your diet, health, lifestyle and your individual body constitution influence components of your home care. Even medications you take can have side effects that require an increase in care such as “dry mouth“ as a result of many blood pressure pills.

    Special home care tools are required if you have dental bridges or implants. Some people are just more prone to dental problems than others. Your hygienist can help you determine the best maintenance program to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    Proper brushing and flossing techniques are paramount for an effective home care regime.

  • In a perfect world, you should brush and floss your teeth after every meal. However, in today’s busy world, this is not realistic. An effective brushing frequency for most healthy people is to properly brush in the morning and floss then brush before bedtime. Twice daily is an absolute minimum.

  • If your gums bleed when you brush and or floss, then it means your gums are inflamed. Inflamed gums, also known as gingivitis, are the result of bacteria living just under the gum line of your teeth. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into a more severe gum problem known as periodontitis.

    Your gums will usually bleed when flossing right after gum treatment. This does not mean to stop flossing, it means to continue flossing every day until the bleeding stops! This is nature’s way of flushing out all the bacterial toxins that remain in the gums.

  • The best toothbrush is one with soft bristles with rounded ends. Used correctly, a soft toothbrush will remove recent bacteria and debris from your teeth and under the gums on the outer and inner surfaces of your teeth. Medium or hard toothbrushes tend to abrade the gums and any exposed root surface of your teeth.

    It is tempting to use a stiffer brush on tooth stains in an effort to remove them. Stains on your teeth are discolourations of the material left behind by bacteria that have remained on your teeth for prolonged periods. The best way to remove stains is to see your hygienist to have those deposits removed and then to avoid stain recurrence by keeping your teeth clean.

  • For most people, twice yearly is sufficient. However, if you have suffered from gum disease or have a compromised biological makeup from medications or ill health, you might need to see the hygienist more often.

    On the other hand, if you adhere to a proper home care regime, are in good health and have a healthy diet, you might get by with an annual visit to the hygienist. Your hygienist will help you determine the best maintenance program for you.