Can your teeth rot under veneers?


If your teeth are discoloured, chipped or out of alignment, your dentist may recommend dental veneers to improve the appearance of your smile. 

But while veneers may feel like a shield for your teeth, they don’t offer complete protection against decay. So, what kind of maintenance should you expect to need? 

Not sure what veneers are? Read this article first!


So do veneers stop tooth decay?

It’s important to understand that although your teeth are somewhat protected by veneers, veneers do not stop tooth decay. 

Veneers cover only the front of your teeth, not the backs or the sides. It’s true that, under veneers, the fronts of your teeth aren’t as exposed to sugars, acids, bacteria and other things that can cause damage to your enamel, but the rest of the tooth remains as exposed as normal.

On top of that, plaque can still grow on veneers, so you have to maintain the surrounding gums too. If you let that plaque build up, it could lead to gum disease

How long do porcelain veneers last?

Porcelain veneers can last 20 or more years when installed properly. But, if the teeth beneath your veneers become infected or they decay, it may affect that timeline.

Composite veneers don’t last quite as long – roughly 7-10 years.

What might cause veneers to need replacing?

  • They chip or break

  • A connected tooth cracks or chips

  • The surrounding gums recede

  • Your bite changes due to tooth loss or decay

How do I properly maintain veneers?

This one’s easy! You can maintain your veneers the exact same way you look after your regular teeth – with a good oral health care routine. That means brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing regularly, using antibacterial mouthwash, and avoiding sugary or acidic foods/drinks where possible.

Here are a few more tips that could help as well:

  • Avoid chewing on inedible things like plastic pens.

  • Avoid heavily pigmented food and drink like dark coffee and red wine.

  • Visit your dentist once a year for regular checkups.

  • Visit your dental hygienist every six or so months for a routine cleaning.

Note that while porcelain veneers can develop surface stains from pigmented foods, they are much more resistant to staining than tooth enamel.

Learn more:How to clean your gums and keep them healthy

How to tell if teeth are rotting behind veneers

It can be hard to pick up on visual signs of tooth decay if you have veneers, as the veneers themselves can hide all the evidence. Of course, despite this you still need to keep an eye on your teeth so try to pay attention to any of the following signs of tooth decay:

  • The veneers wiggle or feel loose

  • The tooth itself feels loose

  • The tooth is more sensitive to hot, cold or pressure

  • The surrounding gum is sore, sensitive or inflamed

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your dentist and make an appointment as soon as possible. They will assess the health of your tooth and, if the tooth is still in good condition but the veneer is not, replace the veneer. 

And what if the tooth isn’t salvageable? Your dentist may recommend removing both the veneer and tooth. But that won’t mean sacrificing your smile! There are plenty more ways to keep your teeth looking great, so you’ll have lots of options to sit and talk to your dentist about.


Get beautiful veneers from Kowhai Dental

If you’re interested in veneers, or worried that a cavity or infection may have developed behind existing veneers, contact us at Kowhai Dental today and we’ll help you.

Drop by on Maunu Road in Whangarei if you need us, call us on 09 430 0707 or book online to make an appointment.


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